Quilt Exhibition - Quilting Bee Sparta (2)

As we are busy bees, we had to take some projects with us to work on! 
Maria Kalamara (left) is working on her quilt and Pitsa Lambrinou (center) and Potoula Andreakou are the helping hands! They take their work very seriously.

They didn't even realize a made a picture !

The hanging orange quilt is made by Anneli Lehto-Koutsoviti, while the small one on the table in front of it is a Quilting Bee quilt. Anneli also made the appliqued quilt below.

Some bags and a table runner

We had some Christmas atmosphere too! I made a few cushions and a runner. 

 The quilters Giota Kiriakoulia and Enrietta Kargakou


  1. Een mooie tentoonstelling, Ada!
    Jouw onderdelen zijn ook mooi!
    Ik begrijp dat je het daar druk mee hebt gehad!

    Liefs, Gerry

  2. Dearest Ada,
    Looks all very lovely and for sure made with love and dedication!
    Sending you hugs and blessings,

  3. Prachtige tentoonstelling Ada, het ziet er allemaal heel sfeervol uit. Op de laatste foto´s al die kussentjes, zo leuk. Moest even lachen om die 3 dames, de eerste foto kon je onopgemerkt maken, maar bij foto twee poseren ze keurig, grappig.
    Lieve groet,

  4. ⋰˚هჱܓ
    Passei para cumprimentá-la e para admirar os trabalhos que vocês elaboram tão magnificamente!!!! Parabéns!

    Beijinhos do Brasil.

  5. I love all the colour combinations of both the quilts and the cushions

  6. Wat grappig te horen dat je geen boete hoeft te betalen in Griekenland. Dus je kunt de boeken net zo goed altijd houden? Of wordt er geen misbruik van gemaakt? Fijne zondag!


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